Introduction: The Challenge of the Corona Pandemic

During the Corona Pandemic we have learned how to protect our healths. But we also need to learn to protect our businesses.

As we have learned to adjust our lives to the new normal of the pandemic, and as vaccinations hopefully will improve our outlook, we also need to understand how we can prepare our businesses for the economic consequences of this and of future health crisis.


  • What will be the long-term impact of this crisis?
  • Can we continue business as normal once the virus is back under control?
  • Or will this crisis extend across industries like the credit crisis did?
  • Should we just wait or should we take measures?
  • And what measures can we take?

This is what we will explore here, enabling you to develop options to tackle the economic crisis instead of being a passive victim, helping you redefine how you do business in this new world.

We can draw from experience. As bad as the 2008 banking crisis was, fortunately there are a number of lessons that we have learned, that we can apply now.

We will go step by step:

  • first we will understand the situation, try to understand impact of the crisis.
  • then we will move on to understand the options that we have.




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explore how disruption enables creation
develop initiatives to tackle the corona crisis